Wednesday 29 November 2017

stop wasting plastic

Stop Wasting Plastic

We need to reuse, recycle and reduce otherwise earth won’t be a place to live because it will be full of rubbish!! If we do not start thinking about how we care for the planet we will not have a planet to live on. Stop making new plastic, reuse old plastic, and for goodness sakes let’s stop burning it!! We need to go plastic free.

Why you may ask, because our actions are destroying the sea life. We are the reason that there is a sea called the “Sea of Plastic”. That is the name given to the sea because the plastic we throw away ends up in the sea and gathers in one spot in the water. We do not think carefully about what is happening when we buy drinks, food, toys all wrapped in plastic. The plastic we use takes 100 of years to break down and often most of it ends up the sea where it harms the animal life. Birds swallow it thinking it is food, dolphins get it caught up and drown and thousands of animals die a day because of our actions.

My second reason why we should stop wasting plastic is because we should reuse things instead of burning it and throwing it into the sea.I think we should be using old stuff to make new stuff. we are wasting l plastic instead we could be Using it to make stuff we couldn’t imagine was possible like light bulbs,cups and flower pot holders etc. I know I’m not someone to talk but we could change  how we  look at the world. Make new things out of old stuff and you never know how much lives you could change. By recycling plastic reuse bottles that you use instead of buying new bottles.

My third reason is we should stop burning plastic. The reason  it is dangerous to burn plastic because it's  polluting the air. 6.5 million people die every year because of air pollution. So let's make sure we aren't  the reason the world ends by reusing,recycling and reducing plastic.

Now in conclusion I hope I've  convinced you to stop wasting plastic. Imagine how many lives we could save if we didn't pollute the earth. Because plastic can be recycled and reused this is far better for the animals and environment and our health.